
Friday, August 14, 2009

DIY Ozonator Video

""Home made Ozonator by Daniel Vincent Kelley.

Ozone is O3 or triatomic Oxygen. The fresh smell in the air after an intense thunder storm is ozone generated by the lightning. Most disease is anerobic, or nonoxygen breathers. Microbiology disease lifeforms have too thin a membrane to endure much oxygen. This is why it's said the AIDS virus dies on contact with the air.

Ozone can be used against disease by infusing it in water or oil which is then consumed by the afflicted. An ozonator as such uses a pump to move the ozone from a containment unit into the liquid to be ozonated. The ozonator I built is for ozonating the air which is useful for killing mold in a home, or enhancing air quality. Breathing ozone cleans your lungs. As with all things, moderation is key, as there is a level at which ozone does become too potent and will sting your lungs. There are doctors, oxidative medical specialists, who use ozone in hyperbaric chambers to cure cancer and AIDS.

I made this ozonator using 1 fan I bought from target, approximately $50, 2 rolls of copper mesh from $30, 1 transformer from a neon light attained from craigslist $20 and a window I got for free from So for a total of $100, I made a highly functional ozonator. Most ozonators I found while shopping around for ozonators cost more than $400. " (danielvincentkelley)

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