
Thursday, February 26, 2009

How To Make an Aquarium

From what to us in general to be engaged in independent assemblage of an aquarium? Really. After all now the aquarium can be found in any pet-shop and, of course, in the bird's market. But there are three reasons on which you dare at it.So:

1. There is no suitable copy (a suitable configuration or on a parity "price-quality").
2. It is interesting to you to check up the workshops качества\Вам interestingly порукодельничать. 3. You are going to earn additionally it.
If qualitatively to make an aquarium it has not turned out, it is not necessary to throw out. It is possible to clear and try to stick together all once again.
Now we have understood, that we want and have solved from what we will begin. The following question – what to glue and than?
We choose glass
In a glass choice it is necessary to pay attention to a grade. Grades begin with the higher М1 and come to an end with the lowest М8 (the above the grade, the is better quality). For an aquarium it is not necessary to take glass more low М3.
If you do a simple aquarium for the house, it is not necessary to subtilize with a glass material. Usual glass – an excellent choice. He can be bought in any glass workshop. The only thing, check up, that there were no impregnations, scratches and vials.
Further it is necessary to define a thickness of necessary glass, it becomes by means of special tables. But to begin with it is necessary to know dimensions of the future aquarium. The wished length, height and width of an aquarium it is selected, being guided by necessary volume of an aquarium (from calculation that the volume of a rectangular vessel is equal V = l•а•h where 1 — length, and — width, h – reservoir height).

Rigidity edges are strips of glass for strengthening of walls of an aquarium in order to avoid them прогибания under the pressure of water. They have the same thickness, as walls of an aquarium, the length equals to internal length of an aquarium, the width 2-5 see In vessels 50 sm of an edge of rigidity are longer are obligatory (though they can be pasted and in smaller aquariums). They are pasted perpendicularly obverse and to lateral glasses from outside obverse and back glass, on distance of 2-3 sm from top.Besides giving of durability presence of edges of rigidity has also other useful properties. First, it is convenient to stack integumentary glass on it, secondly, it facilitates to a resock. At length of an aquarium more than 1,5 metres in addition to rigidity edges are necessary also couplers. These are strips of glass of the same thickness and width, as a rigidity edge. They are glued to rigidity edges from below or at a bottom. The width of each coupler 3-5 see
Than it is better to stick together an aquarium? Certainly – silicone glue. Here the main thing – to be convinced that: 1. Hermetic – 100 % silicone; 2. It is suitable for aquariums. Familiarise with the information on a tube.
The most optimum variant Dow Corning checked up by experience 911.Having defined with mark, we will solve, what colour to take hermetic. Happen black, white and colourless.

* Black – with them the big clearness of borders is necessary; looks better in the big aquariums (from 100); C black the big clearness of borders is necessary
* Colourless – pasting flaws are less visible; are universal; With white hermetic pasting flaws are less visible
* White – it is necessary to co-ordinate to design of a premise.
It is clear that it is better to beginner to choose the colourless.Glue from a tube to squeeze out very difficult, therefore for convenience it is necessary to get special "pistol" for expression. Also it will be necessary for manufacturing of an aquarium for you:
1. Soft grinding stone;
2. Syringe 20 ;
3. Napkins; 4. Edges;

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