
Friday, January 25, 2008

Bed Bugs - Okay, You Have Them - It's Not The End Of The World

In the first article we established how to tell if you have an infestation of bedbugs. Unfortunately if you are reading this article, you have bedbugs. Not to worry getting rid of them is just a procedure. There are many ways to attack your invaders but it really boils down to two different methods.

The first way is the DIY method. If the bed bugs were easy to find often vacuuming and steam cleaning can eradicate a small colony. The reason bed bug extermination is so tricky is that these insects are very determined. They can live almost two years without any food and find the strangest places to live.

You should wash everything you can on the highest heat setting: clean out the drawers, wash all your clothes, and steam the drapes, carpets, and bedding.

Whatever else you can't clean please dispose of properly. Make sure to wrap and mark anything you throw out as INFESTED so as to avoid bed bug infestation from spreading to someone else.

Method two is, call a professional. If money is not an issue this really is the way to go. Make sure to get references and call them. If an exterminator has experience with bedbugs then providing you with phone numbers should not be an issue.

It's better to be safe than sorry and you never want to mess around when you have a small plague on your hands.

Not only are these experts qualified in identification, they can give your house a thorough inspection to ensure total eradication.

They will determine the best plan of attack whether it be steam clean, vacuum, use a low-impact insecticide, or possibly even fog your home in order to take care of the problem.

Plus they can give advice about future prevention, such as caulking the cracks in the walls and sealing up your mattresses.

For a complete review of your options visit us at

Tim Russell is an internet junkie. With more than 20 niche websites form coin collecting to bed bugs. Please take the time to visit for all your updated bedbug information. If you have any direct questions you can email Tim

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